Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Into the Blogg

Well, I decided to start a blog (obviously, you've figured that out if you're reading this; if you haven't... Maybe you'll realize it later so just keep reading). Now I'm not exactly sure what type of stuff I'll put on here, but I'm guessing it'll just end up as an organized assortment of random ideas or things that happen to me. Blogg... What a funny word. It reminds me of a giant blob of information; sooner or later I'll draw a picture and post it on here. Maybe. If I get to it. Probably... Not. Anyways, I'm really tired and can't think of anything interesting to post at the moment. I'll try and post every few days. For now, enjoy this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_t44siFyb4